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  • Range of Punishment for Felonies in Missouri

Range of Punishment for Felonies in Missouri

A judge passing sentence with a gavel.

There are five classes of felonies in Missouri.  The most serious is a Class A felony and the least serious is a Class E felony.  The various ranges of punishment available for each class of felony are:

  • Class A felony – Punishable by a minimum ten-year prison sentence and a maximum 30 year sentence or life imprisonment.
  • Class B felony – Carries a minimum five-year prison sentence and a maximum 15 years of imprisonment.
  • Class C felony – Results in a minimum three-year prison sentence and a maximum prison sentence of ten years and/or a fine not exceeding $10,000.
  • Classy D felony – Punishable by a maximum seven-year prison sentence and/or a fine no more than $10,000.
  • Class E felony – Carries a maximum four-year prison term and/or a fine of up to $10,000.

If you, a family member, or friend has been accused of or charged with a crime in Missouri, our legal team at Parker Law LLC is committed to helping you obtain the most favorable outcome possible.  At Parker Law LLC, we believe in pursuing excellence with every client.